
D’mitry went MIA recently. After a fantastic day skiing with amazing sunshine, yet still perfect snow cover, he was gone. After an acceptable mourning period, we took some new dinosaurs on a hiking trip, just to test out whether it might be possible to fill the void D’mitry left behind. When that didn’t work, we […]

It is possible to mention loose leaf tea and hard core hiking in the same story.

  I got a new toy. After months of debating with myself and wondering just how great D’mitry might look through a better lens, I upgraded my camera. The same day I also bought some loose leaf peppermint tea because it’s a great joy in life, so I used the new camera to showcase my […]

Epic journey to the cold lands

We journeyed to the cold lands where everything is flat and people are more coat than human. Logically, to me it seems the mountains should be colder but it seems we left regular winter with the mountains and opted for something a little more extreme. D’mitry and I decided to experience the frozen prairies for […]

Hedgehogs are great

If we stretch back far enough, we might have some vague memories of D’mitry’s old nemesis Cyril the Cat. However, it turns out that not all pets are nemeses, just cats because they are jerks. And also one particular turtle but that’s something else entirely. Recently, I achieved a life-long dream and obtained a pet […]

Limited time offer: read one adventure, get a second one free

You get two adventures in this post. The first is my grand return, followed by  my less grand re-departure. I went back to Australia and hung out with my family and array of close friends, plus went on a few trips which involved everything from sideways, freezing cold rain and hail to super hot sunshine. […]

Just pretend it was time travel

We kind of fell off the face of the planet, didn’t we? Suddenly it’s six months later and I have a lot of adventures to catch you up on. I like to think of our extended absence as like a time machine rather than a disappointing inconvenience. We left off with an announcement about my […]